2014 on the Blog – What You Clicked On Most Here This Year

When you make the wild, crazy decision to blog, then it kind of follows that you become pretty interested in which bits of it people actually choose to read. So the end of a year gives you a natural opportunity to take stock and see where the hits landed (or didn’t land) – which is made particularly easy when WordPress give their users an annual report.
Ultimately, for me, the hope of blogging is that some of this writing/magpie-ing actually ends up being of some spiritual encouragement. Don’t get me wrong, I care a lot about whether people think what I’m writing (or linking to) is junk. But more than that the vision is that the blog makes much of Jesus, living and loving him. Obviously a post’s popularity is no guarantee that it fulfils that aim, but it may indicate it’s proving stimulating to some. Equally it’s fascinating to see which posts gain momentum and which barely break into double figures. So here’s 2014 on the blog…
Most Visited New Posts of 2014
1. 15 Excellent Videos for Advent & Christmas 2014
2. 365 Days with Evie – a Video Scrapbook from the Crazy Paths of Parenthood
3. The Difference Between Wounds and Scars
4. Free Music for Kids from Songs for Saplings
5. 3 Examples of Christianity’s radical community-centred approach to sexuality, marriage and dating
7. ‘Enjoy Your Prayer Life’ by Mike Reeves – a Review
8. The Effective Anglican: Looking Back on JAEC 2014
9. 5 Ways for a CU to make the most of Freshers’ Week
10. On John Stott, Godly Ambition & History Makers
Most Visited Old Posts of 2014
1. 15 of the best Christmas & Advent Short films 2013
2. Why I Love Christianity Explored – 10 reasons
3. 5 Take-Homes from BBC 4’s ‘Speeches that Shook the World’
4. ‘True Friendship’ by Vaughan Roberts – a Review
See also: