
The pen is mightier than the sword and far easier to write with.
Like for other external processors, writing feels like a pretty vital part of being myself. And over the years, I guess I've been helped to see it can be something to share with others too.
Beyond this site, you can check out online pieces I've written for Christian websites such as Premier Christianity, The Gospel Coalition, Evangelicals Now, and Threads.
In recent years I've contributed to Explore, a quarterly set of daily Bible-reading notes published internationally by The Good Book Company.
I've also had the privilege of writing (or co-writing!) three devotional books on the Bible, published by 10ofthose:

- Finding Hope Under Bethlehem Skies: 25 Daily Advent Reflections from the book of Ruth (2021)
- 1 Corinthians: Not in vain - 31 Undated Devotions through the book of 1 Corinthians (2019). This is also available for free on the YouVersion app.
- Finding Mercy on the Way of Sorrow: 40 Daily Lent Reflections from the book of Lamentations (2024)
I am currently pursuing a DMin in Church Planting in Western Europe with Asbury Seminary and the Gregory Centre for Church Multiplication - so that's a whole lot more words...
My 2019 MA dissertation in Theology & Ministry has been published online by Churches Together in England and is titled, "So Much For The City: Reflecting on Experiences of ‘Small Town' Church-Planting in a UK context, in dialogue with Tim Keller’s ‘Center Church’ Planting Model for Cities."
Of course, it's all just words. Vapour. Here today, gone tomorrow (well, ok, they stick around on the internet for a bit). Yet, words can do 'serious things' - and my prayer is they build up the Church, magnify the grace of Jesus Christ, and perhaps make you smile deep down in your gut - as you enjoy what Martin Luther called 'that happy certainty', hence the name of this site.
But if you think I'm taking myself too seriously, then, please, have a word...