Bathroom Liturgies & Morning Anthems: August 2015

As a Christian I want to ‘tune my heart to sing God’s grace’, and so I’ve decided to have a handful of songs on standby to be my morning soundtrack, as I begin a new day, accompanying me as I do my ‘pre-leaving-the-house’ essentials. That’s not to replace time digging into the Bible and praying, but I suppose to provide an early opportunity to respond to that in praise. They’re my ‘bathroom liturgies’ or my ‘morning anthems’.
So following on from the previous sets of three songs that I highlighted back in February, Easter, and in June, here are another three that I’ve been enjoying listening to in these summer months1. How He Loves Us – David Crowder Band
This song has been around for a while, but it remains one of my faves. I recently spent a week teaching in the book of Ephesians, and Paul’s prayer that we’d know the height and width and length and depth of Christ’s love just hit me again. It is God’s will that we reflect and soak ourselves in the knowledge of the love of God in Jesus. I particularly like the way this song riffs on 2 Corinthians 4, reflecting on how God’s love transforms the reality of suffering.
2. Once for All – City Alight
My mate Tom shared this song on Twitter, and suddenly I’m hearing City Alight all over the place. They’re not unlike Rend Collective, and have that Mumford-esque rock/pop/folk sing-along flavour. Their songs Home and Jerusalem seem particularly popular for singing in church congregations and are excellent, but I love how Once for All takes me back to the cross of Jesus, calling me to see that everything has changed.
3. Fix My Eyes – Lou Fellingham
The Fellinghams have crafted some brilliant songs over the years, and this is no exception. Every day brings with it new challenges and new ‘invitations’ for our attention and affections, and yet this song reminds us it’s in Jesus Christ that there’s true freedom, life, mercy, hope and forgiveness; “In you there’s everything I was looking for”.
What about you? What’s your favourite song you’re listening to help ‘tune your heart’ at the start of the day?