I don’t know everything. In fact every time I act like I do, I’m actually living in contradiction to what I believe. But I do know what God has revealed in Jesus Christ. John Frame writes:
The Christian mind is a finite mind. There are many things that we do not know or understand, but that fact is nothing to be embarrassed about. It is, in fact, a confirmation of Christianity, for Scripture teaches us exactly that. If we could answer all objections to Christianity, we would be God. God would not be incomprehensible, and Christianity, therefore, would be false…
…Thus we do not believe in Christianity because we have found answers to all possible objections. We believe in Christianity because God has revealed himself in Scripture, the world, and ourselves. He has revealed himself with such clarity that we are obligated (and able, by grace) to believe in Him, despite unanswered questions, just as Abraham did…
…Faith is a lot like wagering, after all – not that Christianity is uncertain or like a throw of the dice! But the Christian’s certainty is not the kind of certainty envisaged by rationalist philosophers, either. It is not the certainty of those who have had all their problems answered, to whom the truth is exhaustively understood. Think again of the example of Abraham, who ventured in faith, though many objections to God’s promise stared him in the face. In the midst of questions and unresolved difficulties, we follow God. We are uncertain in the sense that we cannot explain all the difficulties, but we are certain enough to stake our lives on Christ, certain enough to walk the path of obedience, certain enough to accept Him as our standard of certainty. There is, therefore, something like wagering in true faith.
John Frame, The Doctrine of the Knowledge of God, Presbyterian and Reformed, 1987, 351-352