Holy Disruption: Rhythms of Grace for Disorientated Days

These are days marked by disruption. Our rhythms and routines have gone out the window as we adapt to the limitations of lockdown. And now we’re all getting into new patterns of living: we clap for carers on Thursday nights; we tune into Joe Wicks for our morning exercise; we watch the daily Government briefings online.

But as Christians how might we form new rhythms of living in this landscape? How can we ‘disrupt’ this disruption with rhythms shaped by the gospel of grace?

It’s been personally helpful for me to explore this as part of our daily midweek Brew & Chew online gatherings. Take a look!

Day 1 – Introducing Rhythms of Grace for Disorientated Days (Union & Communion)

Day 2 – Hoping in the Rope of God’s Word

Day 3 – Framing the Day with Prayer

Day 4 – Isolated but Connected

Day 5 – Resisting Overwhelm with Rest

Day 6 – Tune Our Hearts to Sing Your Praise

Day 7 – Prepared to Share Christ

Day 8 – Learning Creatureliness

Day 9 – Turning Down the Volume

Day 10 – My Life For Yours