Tim Chester has done the church a great service in writing a brilliant eight-part series of blogposts on approaching Facebook and other social media from a Christian perspective. I heartily commend it to you, including his final piece (final for now), a set of guidelines for ‘someone who feels themselves susceptible to some of the dangers’ that he highlights in the series. Each post is short and to the point and they’re worth pondering as you evaluate your use of FB and seek to do ‘all things to the glory of God’.
Here’s the quick breakdown:
Part 1 – Introducing the phenomenon of Facebook and the danger of misused time
Part 2 – The danger of recreating my world on facebook to create approval
Part 3 – Exposing the results of finding your identity in facebook (as above)
Part 4 – The danger of being able to escape the limitations of my body on facebook
Part 5 – Exposing the results of escaping your normal physical limitations on facebook
Part 6 – The challenge to redirect the misused time you spend on facebook
Part 7 – A summary of the series, comparing the negative effects of facebook with the gospel
Part 8 – Guidelines for facebook