The Sunday Refill – 7 Links for Your Weekend (19/1/20)

Seven up…
1) Tom Holland accepts AC Grayling’s challenge: “Name ONE thing Christianity did for us” – Love this snippet from a debate between author Tom Holland, who recently published ‘Dominion’ on the history of Christianity in the West and atheist AC Grayling.
2) Greta Thunberg – Person of the Year 2019 – A brilliant piece helping us engage theologically with Greta!
3) What Difference Will Prayer Make? – Why would I bother praying if God has already planned what will happen? A heartening piece that will encourage your prayer life.
4) Simon Sinek on Intensity vs Consistency – Three minutes of Sinek’s talk on organisational culture accompanied by a very clever and witty animation from Jocie Juritz.
5) Harvard Just Discovered that PowerPoint is Worse Than Useless – So if this is true, what does it mean for our sermons?
6) English Anglican evangelicals: five areas of disagreement – For those in or out of the Church of England, this is a very helpful piece to understand the situation for many of us who describe ourselves in the above terms.
7) Grandma arrives at Airport in T-Rex costume – For something a bit different, what would you do if you heard your grandkids were going to meet you off your flight dressed in their dinosaur costumes?