The Sunday Refill – 7 Links for Your Weekend (4/3/18)

All quiet here this past week due to a family break. So here’s the seven I’ve been catching up on…
1) When Snow Happens – Ah, yes. We’re not really in control of our lives, are we?
2) Ann Widdecombe in the house – Graham Nicholls ponders what a somewhat quirky former MP’s success on Celebrity Big Brother might reveal about how people feel about Christianity. Agree?
3) Singleness: A Personal Testimony – A powerful and encouraging piece from Jane Tooher.
4) Table Talk – Some interesting resources to get us talking about Jesus at meal times – whether as a family, with friends, etc.
5) Twenty Quotes from Mark Dever on Church Leadership – Whether you’d line up with Dever on some of the specifics of ecclesiology, this is really helpful and clear stuff.
6) A Pregnant Mother’s Struggle with Cancer – Sarah was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma a few days after her 12-week scan. Powerful video interview with a Christian going through suffering, and great to share or use in church.
7) Before the Internet – For something a bit different, try this little reminder of life pre-broadband. And if it’s got you all nostalgic, maybe this should be your next step…
From the Archives:
We pray for wisdom, but when did we last expect someone to speak it into our lives?