Bathroom Liturgies & Morning Anthems: February 2015

Ok, weird title maybe, but ‘bathroom liturgies’ is the phrase I’ve ending up using to describe the tunes I listen to again and again in my ‘morning routine’. Of course, everyone knows that there’s some strange innate connection between singing and showering. So, why not therefore give a bit more thought to what you’re singing along to?
One of the Bible passages that has been really foundational for me as a Christian is Romans 12:1-2, where Paul urges those who know God’s mercy and have put their trust in Christ’s grace, to give their whole lives to God in a response of worship. In other words worship is not a Sunday thing, it’s a whole-life thing. That means seeing mundane Mondays as being for God, just as much as an overseas missions trip or serving at church. But how do we get into that mindset?
In the craziness of my morning routine, in between slurping coffee, trying to cast my eyes over a Bible verse or two and have a pray, and attempting to prevent a one-year old from pebble-dashing our kitchen with Weetabix (ok, I know this will be a walk in the park compared to some), there’s that 15 minute (!) ‘bathroom’ slot where you do all the ‘essentials’. And recently I’ve found that’s been a precious time to ‘seize’ and make the most of. In particular it’s a chance to listen and sing along to songs that I’ve chosen for their ‘marinating-value’, i.e. because they contain truths and encapsulate a sentiment that I want to ‘soak’ myself in as I begin my day.
So, here’s 3 that I’ve been enjoying in the last few weeks:
1. Glorious Christ – Sovereign Grace Music
Bob Kauflin has written more than his fair share of corkers and this is another. An epic way to get the heart gazing on Jesus as you start the day.
2. From the Depths of Woe – Indelible Grace
Based on a Martin Luther original, which in turn was riffing on Psalm 130, this is a stunning slow-burning modern hymn re-orientating you into the gospel journey.
3. Dancing In The Minefields – Andrew Peterson
If you’re married and haven’t discovered this tune already, then let me introduce you to your new favourite ‘marriage song’. Peterson’s lyrics are beautiful and all the more so for the way they’re rooted in the realities of life. Singing along with this reminds me why I’m married.
So, there’s my 3 current faves. What are yours?