Brew & Chew – Catch up on Week 3

For most of us, daily routines & rhythms have gone out the window. One response to that from me has been ‘Brew & Chew’ – a live bitesize dig into God’s word each midweek afternoon at 1.30pm for about 15 minutes.
We’re looking at the book of Ecclesiastes, a book that is well-acquainted with the fragility of life.
If you’d like to catch up on this week’s videos, you can do so below:
Day 9 (Mon 30/3) – Ecclesiastes 4:7-16
Day 10 (Tues 31/3) – Ecclesiastes 5:1-7
Day 11 (Weds 1/4) – Ecclesiastes 5:8-20
Day 12 (Thurs 2/4) – Ecclesiastes 7:1-14
Day 13 (Fri 3/4) – Ecclesiastes 6:1-12
If you want to watch the previous week’s videos, Week 1 is here and Week 2 is here.
You can ‘like‘ Grace Church Barrow on Facebook to follow along…