One of the joys of college this term has been digging into some church history. It’s been fantastic to read some of the texts that were carved out in the early days of the church, and so to let, in the words of CS Lewis, “the sea breeze of the centuries” blow away our present-day obsessed cobwebs. One guy who keeps popping up is Athanasius, an all-round legend who’s probably most well-known for his passionate and robust defence of the divinity of Jesus, in On the Incarnation.

Athanasius uses the phrase ‘of all goodness He is Fountainhead’ to capture the nature of the God he finds revealed in the Bible. The God of Christianity is not an envious greedy tyrant, but rather he is a God who loves to give, whose very nature is good, and who ultimately came to us in God the Son, so that we might be brought into that relationship between Father and Son.
Mike Reeves, who’s written widely on the glory of the Trinity (as well as Athanasius), has got together with songwriter Olly Knight to put together this song that encapsulates the joyful splendour of knowing the Trinitarian God. I’m sure Athers would be chuffed. Give it a listen and delight in Him!
You can also download the track from iTunes here.
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HT: Dave Bish (and for link to chords/lyrics)