The Difference between Wounds and Scars

I was struck by an Instagram post by Jeff Bethke over the weekend. He was referring to a booklaunch event in the US for a new book on marriage, relationships and sexuality called Loveology by John Mark Comer, but there’s a phrase Bethke picks up on that I think is a gem:

“Loved hearing about God’s true intention for sexuality and how much of a gift it is and how Jesus turns our wounds into scars. Wounds hurt and cause pain but scars tell a story of healing. If you haven’t picked up ‘Loveology’ you got to. It’s a must read!”
Isn’t that great? The difference between wounds and scars. We’re all wounded in different ways: wounded by ourselves, by others, by what life has thrown at us. But Jesus can turn wounds into scars, the difference being “scars tell a story of healing”.
It’s so true. We’re often so keen to put on a good show, scrub ourselves up and make our lives look as clean, tidy and as unblemished as possible. And yet every time we do that we’re missing an opportunity to testify to God’s grace.
Every bit of brokenness can tell a story of how God is patiently remaking us in Christ’s likeness. Every bit of sin can tell a story of God’s full and forever forgiveness won at the cross of his Son. Every bit of bitterness and resentment at someone or something in the past can tell a story of God’s slow but sure transforming power helping us to, little by little, learn to forgive.
This week, even in the little things, as the world, my flesh and the devil scratch and bruise, I’m going to try and tell stories about my scars rather than hide my wounds.