The Sunday Refill – 7 Links for the Weekend (22/5/16)

With all the timing of a Man Utd press leak (poor LVG), here’s seven links for this weekend…
1) The Power of God’s Word in India – It’s always encouraging hearing stories of how God is growing his church through people engaging with the Bible. And here’s one from India!
2) The Vine Project – Remember when the latest Harry Potter book would come out and people would buy it on release day and be up all night just to finish it? Well, have you ever heard of someone doing that for a ministry book? Nope, I hadn’t either – until a female church worker told me that’s what she recently did with this book! The Vine Project is the muchly-anticipated sequel to The Trellis & The Vine, which offered a compelling vision for how disciple-making can re-orientate a church. The idea behind the follow-up is it offers guidance as to implementing that vision in a church, together with your leadership team. The link above gives the opportunity to read a sample on the book’s promo page.
3) As a midwife, I’m horrified by my union leader’s support for unlimited abortion – A helpful piece reflecting on the recent decision from the head of the Royal College of Midwives to campaign for the repeal of all legal limitations on abortion. Not only does this go against the convictions of many midwives, but – according to a recent survey – it also goes against the opinions of most women too. While we’re on the subject, here’s 10 things you should know about abortion.
4) 7 Ways Parents Unfairly Provoke Our Children – Tim Challies offers some lessons from his parenting journey.
5) Woman believes in life after death but not in a ridiculous Christian way – Few of us are atheists when it comes to life after death, and yet even fewer choose to listen to the one person who’s claimed to have gone through death itself. This lady is no exception…
6) How to Criticise a Fellow Christian or an Unbeliever in Controversy – Justin Taylor digs out some classic John Newton. Wise stuff.
7) How Typography Can Save Your Life – SERIOUSLY YOU GOTTA READ THIS. (Get it?)
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