The Sunday Refill – 7 Links for Your Weekend (12/5/19)

Seven up…
1) Reflecting on the Ministry of Living Out – This is a remarkably honest and humble interview with Sam Allberry, one of the founders and co-ordinators of Living Out (an organisation that seeks to offer online stories, questions & resources on Christianity & Same-Sex Attraction from an orthodox perspective). Recently they’ve faced some criticism about the clarity of their approach, and this is what Jonathan Leeman asks Allberry about in this interview. By the way, it begins at 1:06:00 on the video, following an hour-long discussion panel on the value of denominations. I can’t vouch for that bit, but I’d like to listen at some point!
2) Ten Biblical Reasons Why I Baptised My Granddaughter (and Children) – If you’ve never thought about the biblical case for baptising the infants of Christians, then this is a decent one-off read. If you have thought about it, but disagree, then at least I hope this helps underline why many Christians believe this to be a biblical position.
3) Reflections on the New Tolkien Film – The guys over at the Rabbit Room give their thoughts on this new biopic featuring Nicholas Hoult (yep, the kid from About A Boy).
4) How to Respond When Church Leaders Fall – Sobering, wise and practical advice from Christopher Ash.
5) New Podcast from the Good Book Company – One of my favourite book publishers has just launched their own podcast to showcase their latest releases. You can tune in for opening interviews with Christopher Ash & Dan Strange – two individuals who are always good value to listen to!
6) Sometimes something just takes your breath away – I enjoyed reading this short testimony from someone who has recently become a Christian.
7) Romano Tours – SNL – Adam Sandler’s tour operator character has some sage wisdom for going on vacation…