The Sunday Refill – 7 Links for Your Weekend (14/6/20)

Seven up…
1) A Spiritual Health-Check from Rico Tice – This is a great idea and a fab evangelistic resource to share – a challenge for anyone to take a ‘spiritual health-check’, as Rico reflects on the experiences and wisdom of Christian medics.
2) George Floyd and Me – Thank you Shai Linne for writing this. When someone says ‘Black Lives Matter’, if your instinct is to say, ‘Yes, but all lives matter,’ then this is well worth a read. I mean, it’s well worth a read even if that’s not your instinct.
3) ‘Dazzlingly diverse and at times infuriating – going to church is what I’ve missed most during lockdown’ – Great to see a perspective like this – on why church matters – in the Independent this week, where church is actually a community.
4) Numbers by Glen Scrivener – This very powerful and sobering spoken word piece from Glen at Speak Life released yesterday and challenges our perspective on the abortion epidemic: “And when COVID is done / May the numbers not numb / May we wake from our slumber / And number each one.”
5) J.K. Rowling Writes about Her Reasons for Speaking out on Sex and Gender Issues – After getting embroiled in a Twitterstorm (is anything else possible on Twitter?!), the author of the Harry Potter series published online this personal but substantial 3,700 word essay. Carl Trueman provides perceptive commentary from an orthodox Christian perspective on Rowling’s piece and the furore that followed. The headline in the New York Times’ coverage will probably be mined for years by preachers: “Harry Potter Fans Reimagine Their World Without Its Creator”.
6) Grieving well: My story – I appreciated this personal reflection from Phil Knox. May be helpful to share with those going through similar experiences.
7) Post-lockdown Church – For something a bit different, many churches are in the midst of scratching their heads as they consider preparing to open their buildings for private prayer. So as we seek to adhere to the ever-changing Government guidelines, you’ve probably got to laugh to stay sane (and stay safe, of course)!
Quote of the Week:
“So awake my soul. Make each figure strike, Like spurs in my flesh, to stir me afresh, To see galactic worth distilled in each daughter of earth, in each son meant for birth. And near infinite crime in snuffing them out. Let me shout to the skies with full-throated cries, and—desperate—despise, when the least of them dies. “
– Glen Scrivener
Sharing is caring. Know someone who might find these links a blessing? Why not forward it on?
Oh and for a bonus, here’s a little insight into life at home for us…