The Sunday Refill – 7 Links for Your Weekend (2/9/18)

Seven up…
1) Uncover Mark – Anybody Home? – Love this creative video that launched UCCF’s new Uncover version of Mark’s gospel – designed to be read with a friend. The accompanying website is here. Looks like a great resource.
2) Religion: why faith is becoming more and more popular – Interesting general analyis of the global situation regarding religious and non-religious affiliation from Harriet Sherwood in The Guardian this week.
3) ‘How are you feeling about going back to school?’ Video – Great little video from Go Chatter to play with the kids or show at church ahead of school starting up again.
4) Critical Theory & Christianity – Never heard of ‘critical theory’? This is a fascinating article that highlights some of the presuppositions undergirding Western culture, as well as the points of conflict and contact with a Christian worldview.
5) Jackie Hill Perry: I Loved My Girlfriend—but God Loved Me More – Poet and hip-hop artist Hill Perry offers an alternative narrative to the one often given airtime. I was challenged by this line: “He was better than everything I’d ever known and more worthy of having everything that I thought was mine to own, including my affections.”
6) THINK Conference: The Future of Complementarity – Andrew Wilson & friends hosted this conference earlier this year and the talks have just been released – so I’m slowly working through them when I can. Wilson’s aim is for us to consider what it means for Christians to believe in the complementarity of the sexes, which he distinguishes as different from ‘complementarianism’. Worth engaging with, whether you’d identify as complementarian or egalitarian. The title link will take you to the intro talks and the rest have been posted on their blog since then.
7) Skim reading is the new normal. The effect on society is profound. – For something a bit different, this is worth a quick scan…