The Sunday Refill – 7 Links for Your Weekend (5/6/16)

No gorillas were harmed in the making of this weekend’s Refill. Here goes:
1) Learning From Top Gear: The Vital Importance Of Succession Planning In Ministry – What might the launch of the new TG series, featuring Chris Evans and Matt LeBlanc, have to say to handing on the baton in church leadership?
2) Know When to Walk Away: A Twelve-Step Digital Detox – Some really challenging thoughts to help us “find digital health and balance in a world without digital brakes”.
3) Rico Tice on Evangelism in the UK – The founder of Christianity Explored offers some practical thoughts on the challenges to sharing our faith in the UK at the moment, and how we might grow churches that have confidence in doing this.
4) You Don’t Have to Know God’s Will – A helpful piece from Jon Bloom on the topic of guidance and what it looks like to ‘live in the will of God’: “it’s more about resting in his sovereignty than wrestling with my ambiguity.”
5) The Secret of Strategic Neglect – This interview with pastor Bill Hybels isn’t new, but someone pointed it out to me this week. Some useful tips and mindset-changes on dealing with busyness and becoming overwhelmed.
6) Dear Girl, How to Stop Men, Magazines & the Media From Getting to Decide if You’re Beautiful – Ann Voskamp writes a powerful letter to her daughter: “The world will say they will love you if you are beautiful – but the truth is you are beautiful because you are loved.”
7) 26 Recipes Every British Summer Barbecue Needs – Well, I’m inspired at least!
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