Good News People: A Six-Session Workbook Exploring How The Gospel Shapes Our Everyday

Last year during Lent a bunch of us gathered together in our home each week and went through a set of Bible-based discussions which we’d written and called Good News People.
The purpose was to explore how the gospel of Jesus Christ changes Christians’ past, present and future, as well as giving us a new motivation to love others and a new message to share with the world.

It’s hardly super-polished, but some friends encouraged me to ‘tidy it up’ enough to make it downloadable, and here it is.
I hope it’s suitable both for individual devotions or to be studied as a small group, and I’d say it’s particularly geared towards helping a group of Christians reflect upon how they might begin to live as a gospel community on mission in a particular place. After all, that was the context we designed it for, as we took some of our first steps towards growing a new gospel community in our neighbourhood.
Each brief chapter focuses on a particular Bible passage, giving some guide questions for digging deeper into God’s word, before offering some application exercises and example case-studies.
You can help yourself to a copy here. I’d love your feedback.
1 re-focusing our hearts on the gospel
2 the gospel has changed everything
3 the gospel changes us today
4 the gospel gives us hope for the future
5 the gospel makes us good neighbours
6 the gospel gives us good news to speak