The Sunday Refill – 7 Links For Your Weekend (24/9/17)

Ok, it’s been a few weeks since the last Refill. It’s been all hands to the deck here with Believe in Barrow, so please excuse our absence. And if you want a snapshot of what’s been happening in our northern climes, enjoy this short little film:
Anyway, here we are:
1) Better Story: The Evangelist’s Conference 2017 – Look out for this day conference, running in Manchester and London in early October. Featuring Glynn Harrison, author of A Better Story (which I reviewed very favourably here), it’s a chance to get inspired & equipped as we think about how our culture’s love of stories might impact how we share our faith. John Stevens, also speaking at the event, gives us a taster of why it matters here. A steal at £20.
2) Reflections 10 years into planting – I appreciated this thoughtful piece from a small-town planter reflecting on his first ten years of ministry in one place.
3) Four Types of Questions Not To Ask in Your Small Group Bible Study – Helpful advice from Melissa Kruger.
4) Twenty Text Messages for Struggling Friends – Love this from Emma Scrivener.
5) When Kids Won’t Bow To Your Idols – Ouch…
6) My 10 Favourite Sentences On Preaching – Andrew Wilson offers ten sentences to stick on our Bibles to inspire us as we prepare to preach.
7) Woman trapped in window trying to retrieve poo after Tinder date – Sorry to lower the tone, but if you missed this story from a few weeks back, it is one of those can’t-help-but-laugh-aloud-as-you-read-it-stories.