The Sunday Refill – 7 Links for Your Weekend (7/7/19)

1) Talking about Toy Story 4 – The team at Faith in Kids share four simple conversation starters for families around some of the key themes in this summer’s big family blockbuster.
2) How to survive an intense season of ministry – Helpful stuff from Chris Green.
3) Awesome Cutlery New Album Kickstarter – In our house we’re big fans of Awesome Cutlery’s family-friendly Christian music – ever since their debut album came out in 2016. So we’re inevitably really excited about the prospect of album number 2! Why not help the guys make it possible by getting behind their kickstarter. (To be honest, if you’re going to get a copy of the album at some point, why not just pay now?!) My review of the first album is here.
4) Grace at Glastonbury – Nell Goddard reflects on Stormzy’s headline set at Glastonbury and in particular the remarkable moment when he introduced and performed his hit ‘Blinded By Your Grace (Part 2)’ and 100,000 festival-goers sang along.
5) You Are Not Too Old for Lullabies – Enjoyed this post over at the Rabbit Room. What’s the soundtrack to your days?
6) What Love Island tells us about the value of kindness – Interesting comment piece on the value and motivation for kindness in The Guardian, inspired by antics on the popular TV series.
7) The World’s Shortcut: How the Panama Canal Works – For something a bit different, I kind of stumbled upon this, but who knew!? Oh and come on, there must be sermon illustration in here somewhere…