23 Easter Videos for 2017

Some excellent options for sharing & showing…
1) The Super Cool Story of Jesus – Bible Society
Dai Woolridge and Emma Randall have teamed up for Bible Society again, producing a fun re-telling of the Easter video that complements their Christmas joint effort.
They also have more related resources here.
2 & 3) Capturing God – The Good Book Company
The Good Book Company have produced two short videos to go with Capturing God, a fantastic and short guest-friendly book from Rico Tice, ideal for giving away to adults at Easter services.
4 & 5) Beauty & the Beast – Go Chatter
Ok, so it’s not technically Easter, but given this is the big holiday film, you may want to spin-off it in Easter services. Go Chatter have produced two B&TB themed videos: one takes a look at how the story of the film is the story of the gospel, and the other re-works the lyrics to the theme song giving it a gospel theme.
6) The Garden, The Curtain & The Cross – Good Book Company & Trillia Newbell
Trillia reads this beautifully illustrated book, alongside the images, as it unpacks why the Easter story is at the heart of the Bible’s big story.
7) Did Jesus Really Rise From The Dead? – Impact 360
An engaging piece looking at whether it’s all really true.
8) The Tomb Is Still Empty – Joel Mullen
In a word: cute.
9) If You Had Been Here – Glen Scrivener
Glen poetically explores the significance of Jesus’ resurrection from the perspective of the grieving brother of Lazarus: “Through you death is a gardener, we are the seed. And this is the path; resurrection decreed.”
10) He’s Still Risen – Igniter Media
I love this. Simple and powerful film to bring home the impact of resurrection.
11) Good Friday: Live! – Christians in Sport
Clever retelling of the events of Good Friday through imagined live scrolling web-based news reporting. I played this at a baptism service last week.
12) Arms Wide Open – Miriam Swaffield
Spoken-word piece underlining how the cross of Jesus reveals the rescue plan of God and calls us to respond.
13) Cannonball – Speak Life feat. Guvna B
A visual/lyrical/musical feast, from the team at Speak Life, including Guvna B on vocals. Writer Glen Scrivener has also put together a short explanation.
14) I’m Full Cos It Was Empty – Spoken Truth
Dai Woolridge doing what he does really well.
15) Egg – Dave Crofts
Clever spoken-word piece riffing off something familiar and casting our eyes to bigger things.
16) Dead Come Alive – Full of Eyes
Powerful visual story-telling.
17) Bread of Heaven – Glen Scrivener
Taking up the theme of Passover and Jesus’ body being broken for us, whilst using a child’s voice and drawings, this paints the Bible’s grand-narrative and re-sets Jesus’ death and resurrection within its bigger story.
18) What do you think Easter is all about? – UCCF
A simple two-minute video, using pictures to accompany someone probing the question as to what Easter is about, before putting forward some of the evidence for Jesus’ resurrection.
19) That’s Easter: Death to Life – St Helen’s
Short presentation featuring biblical scholars speaking on the reliability of the gospel accounts.
20 & 21) Lego Easter Story – Richard Case/BW Animations
Two takes on the same idea, one apparently a ten-year old’s school art homework project, and the other a more in-depth take.
22) How Deep The Father’s Love – Page CXVI
Page CXVI reworking a modern hymn that captures the heart of the Easter message.
23) Fix You Crucifixion
Coldplay’s well-loved track provides the soundtrack to these crucifixion scenes.
Know of any other videos? Share the love and drop them in the comments below.
And if you’re looking for other ideas for assemblies, lessons, & all-age slots, then read this short piece from Faith in Kids, which includes a link to their Easter material.