The 2018 Refill – What Got Read Most Here This Past Year

With the past few days providing a chance to spend time with family, eat Christmas leftovers, and breathe a little, there happily hasn’t been much web browsing going on.
So, if it’s not too introspective, allow me to instead share the 10 most popular posts here at That Happy Certainty from the last twelve months.
By the way, I’m really grateful for your support and encouragement in reading, sharing and feeding-back on the blog this year, not least The Sunday Refill. It was a big surprise to be given the runner-up prize for Premier Digital Blogger of the Year, particularly because there’s a handful of blogs that I read regularly that deserved that more than this one!
To be honest, in some ways I’d have liked to have written more non-Refill articles this year; it seems my draft folder is getting fatter, but sometimes it feels like there’s just not the time to turn them into finished articles. Like last year, there’s been a fair few book & resource reviews on the blog, but family life, ministry on the ground, and other projects have rightly been the main focus. Maybe in 2019 I’ll find a way to write more about the things that are naturally taking my time.
So here we go, the 10 most popular posts at That Happy Certainty in 2018…
(By the way, I’ve intentionally discounted the weekly Refills, as well as my annual round-up of Christmas and Easter videos – they’re normally much more popular than anything else, so feel a bit like anomalies!)
As you’ll see, half of the most read posts weren’t even written this year, which perhaps says something about their ‘enduring’ significance’ and something about Google’s algorithms! But the big lesson is that if you want something to be read by lots of people, write about a royal wedding…
9 Assorted Thoughts on That Wedding Sermon
“We do not learn from experience, we learn from reflecting on experience” (2014)
- Not Deciding: Leadership Lessons from Band of Brothers (2014)
- The Difference Between Wounds & Scars (2014)
- Review of Life Explored (2017)
So Much For The City: Rediscovering a Vision for Small-Town Church Planting
Review of The Goldilocks Zone (Collected Writings of Mike Ovey)
“The best things we do are usually the hardest”: An Interview with Dave Griffith-Jones
‘This Is Awesome Cutlery’ Album – A Review (2017)
And if you really want to overload on geekdom, you can also see previous years’ top 10s from 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, or even 2013.